The Implications of America’s Downgraded Credit Rating and How to Navigate Them


The recent downgrade of the United States’ credit rating by Fitch has triggered a flurry of questions about the broad market implications and potential strategies for investors to hedge against fiscal recklessness. This article addresses how investors can navigate these uncertain times.

The Echoes of Fitch’s Downgrade

In the wake of Fitch’s ominous announcement, the 10-year Treasury bond yield surged above 4%, while the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF ($TLT) dipped below the critical support level of $100. The unsettling headlines have left many investors wondering whether we are on the precipice of a Sovereign Debt Crisis.

US Treasury Bonds

When bondholders encounter disturbing news such as a Fitch downgrade, they may start questioning the U.S government’s capacity to repay its debt, triggering widespread selling. This dynamic is a distinctive feature of a sovereign debt crisis, where bondholders dump their bonds, causing government bond yields to soar, which further complicates the government’s debt repayment.

This pattern was evident in Greece from 2010 to 2012. Greek 10-year Government bond yields spiraled from 4% in 2010 to nearly 40% in 2012, as investors realized that Greece couldn’t settle its debt. Eventually, the European Central Bank had to bail out the Greek government. Could the U.S. face a similar fate?

america's credit rating downgraded

Market Reactions and Long-Term Risks

Market apprehension over a potential US government debt default, as reflected in 5-year CDS contracts, has remained steady since the Fitch announcement. These contracts climbed in April and May 2023 due to the debt ceiling crisis, but concerns about sovereign debt have since cooled off.

america's credit rating downgraded

The Fitch downgrade, however, could serve as an early warning sign of a larger issue with the U.S fiscal situation. There are significant long-term risks tied to U.S sovereign debt and the government’s deficit management. The U.S. government debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to escalate to 200% by 2050, indicating potential trouble ahead.


Moreover, by 2050, the projected payment on government debt interest will triple the combined spending on R&D, infrastructure, and education. Interest costs (money paid on government’s debt) will consume a larger portion of the federal budget.

Government Spending as a share of GDP

This projection doesn’t consider the possibility of government bond yields continuing their upward trajectory. Currently, at around 4%, 10-year Treasury bond yields have broken out of a long-term downtrend, driven by recent inflationary pressures.

US 10-Year Treasury Yield

Safeguarding Investments Against Fiscal Recklessness

Despite the inflationary pressures and rising interest rates, government spending has continued to increase throughout 2022 and 2023. So, what can investors do to protect their portfolios against this backdrop?

Government spending

One way to assess the government’s fiscal responsibility is through the gold-to-TLT ratio. Since March 2020, gold has outperformed Treasury bonds by 120%, indicating a decline in investor confidence in government debt. In an economy burdened by rising government debt, inflation, and fiscal spending, gold’s scarcity gives it an edge over debt-based assets like bonds. Gold may continue to outperform Treasury bonds in the long run if the U.S. government persists with its fiscal recklessness.

SPDR Gold shares ETF

The Impact of Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, alongside fiscal spending, is a key factor for the financial markets. Rapid monetary tightening since 2022 has led domestic banks to tighten credit conditions to levels that have historically anticipated recessions, as seen in 1990, 2000, and 2008.

Net Share of Domestic Banks

In typical recessions, Treasury bonds often outperform all other assets by a wide margin. This could suggest a strong relative performance of bonds in the near term, until fiscal irresponsibility resurfaces as a major economic theme.


The Fitch downgrade of the U.S credit rating has undeniably stirred market anxieties, reigniting concerns about the government’s fiscal management and potential long-term risks. Investors can consider hedging against this fiscal recklessness by looking at assets such as gold, which have historically held their ground against inflation and fiscal spending. However, vigilance and careful monitoring of the market’s evolution are crucial in these uncertain times. Click here to get free trial for 7 days! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Follow us on Twitter for more updates!

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