Gold’s Breakout is Sending a Warning Signal for the Economy


The recent surge and breakout to new highs in gold prices has not gone unnoticed by investors. This development has inevitably piqued their interest, as historical trends and patterns suggest that these kinds of breakouts could potentially have far-reaching implications for the broader economy and inflation rates.

This article aims to delve deeper into this important matter. It examines in detail the intricate relationship between gold prices, real interest rates, and the overall health of the economy. Furthermore, it explores the potential signals and indicators that the current breakout in gold prices might be sending to investors and the broader market. This analysis will help shed light on the potential future direction of the economy and the possible impact of inflation and interest rates.

Historical Precedents: Gold Breakouts and Economic Events

Historically, gold breakouts have been seen to coincide with significant economic events, acting as a precursor or indicator of forthcoming changes. Take for instance October 2007; during this time, gold broke out to all-time highs. This particular occurrence soon followed by a substantial rise in the unemployment rate, a clear indication of a slowdown in the overall economic growth. The economy was beginning to show signs of distress and this was reflected in the price of gold. The breakout in the price of gold was soon followed by the global financial crisis in 2008, a catastrophic event that had far-reaching impacts on economies around the world.

Gold Prices Before the Financial Crisis

Similarly, in 1972 and 1978, gold prices surged before the United States experienced waves of inflation. These historical examples highlight the link between gold breakouts and significant economic shifts.

Gold and Inflation

Gold’s Breakout Today: A Warning Sign for the US Economy?

The current breakout in gold, surpassing its previous resistance levels from 2011 and 2020, suggests potential implications for the US economy. Historical trends indicate that such breakouts are typically not positive signs for the economy. The breakout indicates that investors are betting on a decline in real interest rates, which could have a substantial impact on economic growth and inflation.

Inflation Rate and Spot Gold

Inverse Correlation: Gold Prices and Real Interest Rates

Gold has shown a consistent inverse correlation with real interest rates, also known as real yields. When gold prices fall, it usually indicates that real interest rates are rising or about to rise. Conversely, when gold prices rise, it suggests that real interest rates are expected to fall. The current breakout in gold indicates that investors are anticipating a collapse in real interest rates.

Gold Inverted and Real 10-Year Treasury Yield

Real interest rates serve as a reflection of the current state of the economy. Historical data demonstrates a close correlation between real interest rates and economic growth. Higher economic growth tends to lead to higher real interest rates, while lower economic growth is associated with lower real interest rates. The breakout in gold suggests that investors expect a decline in economic growth when adjusted for inflation, resulting in lower real interest rates.

GDP and 5-Year Inflation Index

Gold vs. Debt: Investor Preference and Inflation Expectations

Investors are perpetually faced with a choice between owning debt instruments, such as treasury bonds or cash, and owning gold as a store of value. This decision is primarily influenced by the prevailing interest rates and inflation forecasts. When interest rates are at a level high enough to adequately compensate for inflation, debt instruments become the preferred option for investors. This is because they can reap the benefits of interest earnings while still keeping pace with the rising cost of living.

However, the scenario shifts when interest rates are too low to offset the erosive effects of inflation on the value of money. In such situations, gold emerges as a more attractive investment option. Gold is a tangible asset that has been used as a store of value for centuries. Unlike paper money or digital assets, its value does not corrode over time due to inflation. Instead, it often appreciates in value during periods of economic uncertainty or high inflation, making it a popular choice among investors seeking to hedge against these risks.

The recent breakout in gold prices indicates that investors believe that interest rates will soon be falling. This suggests that they are anticipating a slowdown in economic growth in real terms. Alternatively, it might indicate that they are expecting inflation to make a comeback, eroding the purchasing power of money. Either way, this trend signals a shift in investor sentiment and could have significant implications for the broader economy.

Gold New Highs

Inflation and Economic Indicators

Although inflation remains stubbornly elevated, there are currently no clear indications of a second wave of inflation. Certain sectors, such as services, are experiencing inflation rates around 5%, reminiscent of the levels witnessed in the 1970s.

Service Inflation

Commodity prices, including oil, gas, soybeans, wheat, and sugar, remain significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels. However, these prices appear to be consolidating rather than showing signs of further upward movement.

Inflation Rate and Commodity Index

Signs of Weakening Economy

On the other hand, the economy has started to exhibit some alarming signs of potential distress. One key warning signal is the recent and rapid increase in the default rate on consumer loans. Over the past few years, this rate has escalated at a concerning pace, even surpassing the levels we witnessed before the global pandemic hit. It’s important to note that while the default rates remain at historically low levels when considered on a nominal basis, they are nevertheless showing a worrying upward trend.

Default Rate on Consumer Loans

Another key economic indicator to consider is the recent surge in the value of gold. Traditionally seen as a safe haven during times of economic uncertainty, the breakout of gold suggests that there are underlying weaknesses in the economy that are continuing to deteriorate. This pattern of rising gold prices coupled with increasing default rates may serve as an indication that economic growth is going to soon weaken.

Gold’s Technical Breakout and Economic Outlook

Gold’s breakout above a significant resistance level that it struggled with for the past four years suggests a potentially troubling economic outlook. If the breakout holds, gold could continue its upward trajectory, signaling a new bull market. This would likely imply a weakening economy or a resurgence of inflation. Conversely, if gold retraces below the broken level, it would indicate a false breakout, which could be positive news for the economy.

Gold New Highs

The observed breakout in gold prices appears to be in sync with the Federal Reserve’s announced plan to cut interest rates in 2024. This scenario replicates the circumstances that propelled the 2019-2020 bull market in precious metals, where anticipation of lower interest rates spurred investors to turn to gold as a safe haven. Similarly, the current upward trend is likely to continue as investors foresee similar monetary policy changes.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that this isn’t just a phenomenon isolated to gold. Silver is also showing promising signs. If silver prices manage to break out above a key resistance level from 2020, it could potentially trigger a short squeeze move. This scenario could result in a rapid increase in the price of silver as short sellers scramble to cover their positions, further intensifying the upward pressure on prices. Therefore, both gold and silver present promising investment opportunities in the current economic climate.

Silver Pirce US$


The breakout in gold to new highs carries important implications for the economy and inflation. Historical precedents suggest that such breakouts are often associated with significant economic shifts. The inverse correlation between gold prices and real interest rates indicates that investors are anticipating a decline in real interest rates, potentially leading to a weaker economy or a resurgence of inflation. Click here to get free trial for 7 days! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Follow us on Twitter for more updates!

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