TLT/JNK Testing Resistance | What Impact does This Have for Stocks and Bonds?

Here is today’s Youtube video:


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  1. (0) 0
    HL says:

    Will bond risk off enivornment affect risk on asset like Bitcoin? or will the falling on bond yield benefits tech (bitcoin), I am a bit mixed up on the risk on/off and bondyield to tech at this moment, thanks!

  2. (0) 0
    Jawdy says:

    What do you think about Ray dalio? He talks about how the US stock market popped the last two times the US basically “defaulted” . Is something like that possible here? Can’t decouple your currency from gold but something else?

  3. (1) 1
    John Barker says:

    Thanks Peter! Love the content and thorough research. So helpful and much appreciated!

  4. (2) 2
    Jason Reed says:

    Thank you for this video. Have been waiting for an update on JNK/TLT since last Fall and this was exactly what I was hoping for. Just curious if you ever do analysis on Housing Market? Bonds/Yields are so important to real estate, which is a huge part of the investing and economic picture in the U.S.. With the 30-year mortgage rate breaking above 5%, for first time since 2010 I believe, I just wonder if there’s any analysis out there that will help gain a perspective on where the real estate market is headed and how that direction may affect other investing markets i.e. equities, commodities, etc., and the economy as a whole.
    Thank you again for everything you do as this is best conglomerated analysis out there by far!

    1. (3) 3
      John Garcia says:

      Love the idea of GOT looking at the housing market

  5. (-1) -1
    The Oracle says:


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    Phillip says:

    Now that TLT has broken through your absolute max low target of 123, will you be revising your low target?

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    Pete Mitchell says:

    Peter, do you have any content or may GOT consider a video analysis on the relationship between the rize and falls of TLT vs DXY? There seems to be historical correlations (monthly view) that TLT LT bull/bear leads to DXY LT bull/bear within 2 to 6 months of trend reversal. Iinversly, there are times previoiusly that DXY BULL/BEAR leads TLT LT Bull/Bear trend reversal. take care.

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    Krz247 says:

    Thought this video would be valuable to the central thesis. Arguably confirms a few things in your thesis. Dollar falls. Commodities rise. Bonds fall.

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    Matt Kerske says:

    Great stuff Peter! Can you or anyone else comment on what this JNK/TLT multi year channel breakout on good volume signifies now that we’re breaking above upper channel resistance. Is this the start to a risk on move in the bond market? What am I missing? Thanks!