The SP500 is Following the EXACT Footsteps of Every Major Bear Market Since 1960.

Here is an early post of today’s youtube video:

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  1. (0) 0
    Jared Siddle says:

    Great video I have been thinking we are in a 1970s environment – well done

  2. (0) 0
    Ale says:

    Thank you Peter and GoT team, how USD performs during such drawdowns / is there a correlation ?

  3. (0) 0
    Gary Bivans says:

    Great Video.
    Thanks for putting the time into this update.

  4. (0) 0
    Eric Welch says:

    I hope everyone’s understood the assignment from February through today. I first started re-balancing my portfolio using Vanguard’s EDV to represent the model portfolio’s TLT position and VUSB to represent BIL. Coming from the traditional Vanguard background, I’ve simply held 100% in VTI total stock market prior to subbing to GoT. Since the day I rebalanced to reflect the recent GoT model portfolio changes, currently VTI is down -4.1% but my portfolio is up +2.3%. That’s real out-performance of the S&P 500 and the real value of our subscription here. I also agree with the macro analysis that this bear market still has room to go down for equities. Thank you GoT!

  5. (0) 0
    David Revels says:

    Very good analysis Peter. I would like to see GoT go back to the ’74 and ’69 that you mentioned as being similar and note which investments performed best and those that performed worst. I think that would be a great 2nd video to this one.

  6. (0) 0
    James Haswell says:


  7. (0) 0
    James Haswell says:


  8. (0) 0
    MGT289 says:

    Great video