Profit Taking from Smart Money | Divergence With 10-year Yield

Here is today’s Youtube video:


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  1. (0) 0
    CaptainSlow says:

    Happy New Year Peter and thank you…

  2. (0) 0
    Hutch0321 says:

    Very good thank you.

  3. (0) 0
    Matthew Sell says:

    Happy New Year Peter! Thanks for the charts and thorough explanations.

  4. (0) 0
    jtcarpinteiro says:

    @GOT happy new year and thank you i really apreciate your work ive been learning a lot

  5. (0) 0
    Michael W says:

    Great work as always Peter, Wish you have a wonderful 2022!

  6. (1) 1
    jayce maniarpillai says:

    Happy New Year! Love your work.

    Is there any chance of a dashboard with Current trades/calls/entries/exits etc? Doesn’t have to be live, but does need to be time stamped in some fashion.
