80 Years of Data Shows the SP500 is Tracking the EXACT Footsteps of the Most Violent Bear Markets



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  1. (1) 1
    ggb58 says:

    That cleared up my unemployment concerns. I appreciate the video on this subject as it really did confuse me. Thanks.

  2. (0) 0
    ETHAN X says:

    Bulls are overwhelmed by greed. Is incredible to witness

  3. (0) 0
    Mark HORNE says:

    thanks Peter and team. great analysis again!

  4. (0) 0
    Keith Bernstein says:

    1. If many people in the so-called “Gig” economy have say 3 different jobs, and they lose 1 job, I assume they are still technically employed. Ie. The lost job, does not add to unemployment. Simply adds to under-employment.

    2. If full covid stimulus has not been reversed, could one argue that over the past 36 months there is still net stimulus, and that continues to support equities?