Youtube Market update


Here is today’s Youtube video!


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  1. (0) 0
    Larry E says:

    Another good analysis!! Thanks!

  2. (0) 0
    Jean-Christophe says:

    Thank you Peter

  3. (0) 0
    Brett says:

    Peter I strongly believe there isn’t as much of a negative correlation btw TLT and S&P
    Think they may run together this time
    That will definitely give your blow off in equities more firepower
    Let’s watch next month or 2 but believe raising TLT won’t hold back equities this time

    1. (0) 0
      FoolishAnalyst says:

      @bcnich777gmail-com the liquidity has to come from somewhere – it could come from gold and cash/stimmies but how much lower is gold gonna go?
      1.1T of the 1.9T is anticipated to hit the financial mkts